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    搜狐体育讯 Aged 36 and have more than 10 years experience in sports marketing and sports business.

   Started his career at one of the most professionally managed sports organizations in Asia, Japan Professional Football League, in long-term strategy planning and league promotion.

   Appointed by FIFA as its marketing General Manager in China at 2002, and then after the company’s establishment, OCEANS Sports has been appointed as FIFA’s representative office in China at 2006, helping FIFA organizing its events in China including the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2007, and developing business partners in China.

   Shoto Shu is leading the OCEANS Sports, which is rapidly becoming a leading force at sport marketing field in China.

   Bachelor of Marketing & Corporate Strategy from Hitotsubashi University, one of the most well-known and competitive management Universities in Japan. Master in Sports Management from CIES, a sport management course organized by FIFA.



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