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搜狐费根专栏:阿帅来不及扑火 火箭队未来难测


    搜狐体育讯 导读:乔纳森-费根,是休斯顿惟一一家日报《休斯顿纪事报》的首席篮球记者,也是整个赛季跑满全部比赛的惟一一位记者。 在国内许多做NBA的媒体中,费根的名字恐怕是最耳熟能详的了,因为他的稿件的翻译版本充斥在各大网站和报纸上,是绝对的火箭专家。近日乔纳森-费根已经签约搜狐体育,搜狐也是目前国内惟一一家获权使用费根专栏文章的媒体。在以后的日子里费根将通过搜狐专栏与广大中国网友一起进行交流。

费根:阿帅来不及扑火 火箭队未来难测





















  (搜狐体育 少东)


  By Jonathan Feigen

  The common logic is that NBA teams, even teams filled with proven veterans, really don’t know what they are or what they could be until 20 games have been played.

  The Rockets have played 22. They still have no idea.

  The idea that it would take 20 games is most often attributed for long-time Pistons coach Chuck Daly, who had a championship team at the time. By then Isiah Thomas and Joe Dumars, and the bruising frontcourt of Bill Laimbeer, Rick Mahorn and even a young and still relatively sane Dennis Rodman would seem as predictable as a team could be. But Daly’s notion was that every team starts over each season, even one that had just won the championship.

  People tend to refer to championship teams as "defending" their title, but that not really true. The Celtics will still be the 2007-08 champions even if they don’t win the 2008-09 championship. More to the point, winning one season does not bring any official advantages the next the way regular-season success determines homecourt advantages and even match ups in the post-season.

  Each team must be built each season.

  For the Rockets then, a particularly encouraging off-season certainly does not assure anything in the season to come. A team must be built from a roster of players, even if it is a good looking roster.

  That has not happened. There has been the start of successful team building many times. There was the stretch of games in which the Rockets beat the Suns and Hornets, and took a commanding lead in San Antonio (even if that game ending with a crash.) There was a three-game sweep of an Eastern road trip. There was a nice home stand in which the offense clicked and the Rockets whipped the Clippers and Warriors.

  Yet for every step forward, injuries have knocked the Rockets back.

  In 22 games, Shane Battier missed the first 15, Tracy McGrady has missed the past seven. Brent Barry has been out for eight games, Ron Artest one (with two more at least scheduled this weekend.) Steve Francis has not played since last February. Joey Dorsey has been out for a week. Practices sometimes do not have enough players to go five-on-five, much less substitute.

  In 22 games, the Rockets have had their planned rotation together for zero.

  "I just feel bad for coach," Barry said. "I think the best Christmas present for coach (Rick) Adelman would be to give him his lineup. It’s not something we can wrap up and put in a package. To this point, through training camp and the first 22 games of the season, we still have not have a full complement of players for one regular-season game.

  "Obviously, for the team it’s disappointing. For our fans it’s disappointing. It really falls on the coaching staff. I think coach has done a tremendous job adjusting the lineup. Guys have stepped up and played well and are keeping things afloat. But we’d really like to see everybody in uniform and on the court and see what we’ve got."

  For Rick Adelman, the entire season has been like putting out a forest fire. Every time he gets one blaze under control, another sparks.

  When the Rockets should be building from game to game, making corrections and using strengths, they have instead spent much of the season starting over. Every change has led to adjustments, problems, corrections and even solutions, only to have the next wave of injuries and lineup changes start the whole process over.

  There have been times – including now with McGrady close to returning but Artest out – in which Adelman and his assistant coaches have had to put together radically different game plans for the same games, to be used based on that night’s collection of healthy players.

  None of this is to offer excuses for losses or to diminish wins. The Rockets, however, have played 22 games and have not firmly established anything.

  A team that more than most is certain to be measured by its post-season, having not won a playoff series since 1996, the regular-season is to build a team ready for the tests to come and perhaps offer glimpses of what is to come. (It is also to get into the playoffs, which for all but very few Western Conference teams cannot be considered a certainty with too many playoff-caliber teams contending for too few spots.)

  That has not happened, yet. So far the season has been about getting by, getting healthy and getting as many wins as possible

  "We have to have some time together playing together for significant minutes, being in games that are close games, understanding where the ball is going to do and what we’re going to do," Barry said. "That’s what you have to do over two or three months."

  The Rockets have not yet done that for two or three games without starting over.

  If they do ever get those 20 games together, however, we might have a pretty good idea of what to expect.



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