阿迪达斯搜狐体育 > 综合体育 > 铁人三项 > 铁人三项动态



    搜狐体育讯 铁人三项是一项挑战自然、战胜自我的新型体育运动项目,运动员需要连续完成游泳、自行车和长跑,对运动员在体能、速度和技巧上均有较高要求。铁人三项2000年才进入奥运会。


问候运动员 (Greetings to Athletes)
欢迎来到X X X。 Welcome to X X X.
你好! How do you do!
今天感觉如何? How are you today?
你今天的状态如何? How's your condition today?
祝你成功! Have a good race!
Nice race!
祝你好运! Good luck!
Good race!
引起教练、观众的注意 (Attention to Coach, Spectators)
请离开这里。 Go out please.
请后退。 Please step back.
对不起你不能再靠前了。 I am sorry but you can't go any further.
播报号码 (Calling the Numbers)
号码? Number?
比赛号码? Race number?
请出示你的号码。 Show your number, please.
你的比赛号码在哪里? Where is your race number?
0 (Number) zero
123 (Number) one two three
456 (Number) four five six
789 (Number) seven eight nine
100 (Number) one zero zero
比赛装备 (Equipments)
厚度超过5毫米。 Thickness exceeds 5 mm.
你必须用另一个代替。 You must replace it with another.
This is not good. Please go to a bike mechanic.
This equipment is against the rule. Consult with a referee / technical delegate.
You must use a suit that meets the requirements.
You must wear clothing in the cycle and run segment.
You must not compete in the cycle and run segment with bare torso.
比赛开始之前 (Before Race Start)
请到出发区域。 Hurry up to the start area, please.
请到出发线。 Go to the start line, please.
各就各位。 Everybody at the start line, please.
离男子优秀组比赛出发还有30分钟。 Thirty (30) minutes to elite men's start.
离出发还有一分钟。 One minute to start.
请站在出发线的后面。 Stand behind the line.
Toes behind the line.
Behind the line…, please.
不要紧张,放轻松。 Take it easy.
Stay calm.
听裁判信号出发。 You are now in the hands of the starter.
预备! Take your mark!
在游泳赛段中 (During Swim)
你还好吗? Are you all right?
你想继续比赛吗? Do you want to continue?
Do you want to carry on?
In an emergency, you may raise one (an) arm overhead and call for assistances.
ITU Rule says, "Once official assistance is rendered, you must retire from the competition.
转换区 (Transition Area )
不要骑行。 No riding.
下车。 Dismount.
上车线,在那边。 Mount line, over there.
请穿上比赛服。(配合手势) Singlet…, please. (Say this with gesture)
将你的汗衫拉直。 Straighten up your top singlet.
比赛号码… Race number…, number…
请固定好你的比赛号码。 Fix your race number, please.
请绑好头盔。 Helmet strap..., please.
这边。 This way.
自行车比赛 (Bike Competition) (以下适用于分龄组等不允许尾随的组别)
注意! Watch out!
看前面。 Look ahead.
请减速。 Slow down.
保持距离! Distance!
Keep your distance.
注意你和别人的距离。 Check your distance from others.
不要并行。 No side by side.
请离开这个区域。 Move out of the space.
退后。 Stay back.
Pull back.
Move back.
到左边 / 右边! To the Left / Right!
Move to the left / right.
你们靠的太近了。 You are getting too close.
不要靠的太近了。 Do not get too close.
分开。 Separate.
你必须尽快通过。 You must attempt to pass quickly.
You must be seen to be progressing.
你阻碍了别的运动员。 You are blocking the others.
不要尾随其他运动员。 Do not follow the other competitor.
你正在尾随其他运动员。 You are following competitors.
不允许扔自行车饮水瓶。 You are not allowed to throw bike bottles.
不要扔饮水瓶。 No throwing bottles.
交通规则 (Traffic Rules)
(你必须)在红灯的时候停止。 (You must) STOP when the traffic signal is red.
请靠左 / 右行。 Left / right side of the street, please.
请不要并排骑行。 Do not cycle side by side.
请不要穿越中线。 Do not cross the center line.
请戴好头盔,这是国际铁联规则。 Wear bike helmet, please. It is ITU Rule.
各种表述 (Various Expressions)
前进。 Go ahead.
你跑的路线是正确的。 You are on the right course.
你跑的路线是错误的。 You are on the wrong course.
此处禁止通过。 No passing here.
不允许接受帮助。 No assistance allowed.
你不可以获取任何外界的帮助。 You are not allowed to receive assistances.
You must not get assisted by anybody else.
对不起,我不可以为你提供帮助。 Sorry, but I'm not allowed to assist you.
饮水站,在前方5公里处。 Aid station, five kilometers away.
停止和恢复一名运动员的比赛 (Stop and Go Rules)
停! Stop!
按照我的指示。 Follow my instructions.
请下车。 Get off your bike.
提起你的车。 Lift your bike.
好了,走! Okay. Go!
终止一名运动员的比赛 (Stop an Athlete)
关门。 Time-cut off.
对不起,你在关门时间外。 Sorry, you are out of time-limit.
你被出示红牌。 You are red carded.
你已经被取消比赛资格。 You have been disqualified. (DSQ)
请离开比赛场地。 Get off the course, please.
我希望你下一次在比赛中取得好成绩. I hope you have a good race next time.
Sorry, but you have been lapped and now disqualified (DSQ).
It is not necessary for an official to give a warning prior to issuing a more serious penalty.
You must understand the ITU Competition Rules.
Please inform race officials after withdrawing from the race.
如果发生事故 (In case of Accident)
你还好吗? Are you all right?
有麻烦吗? Any troubles?
有问题吗? Anything wrong?
我能帮助你吗? May I help you?
出了什么事? What happened?
你想继续比赛吗? Do you want to carry on (continue) ?
退出比赛场地后 (When retired from the race)
需要帮助吗? Need any help?
Need a hand?
需要什么吗? Need anything?
需要喝点什么吗? Need anything to drink?
需要医疗服务吗? Do you need medical care?
救护车马上就过来。 Ambulance coming soon.
在终点或者颁奖仪式上 (At the Finish or Ceremonies)
请摘下你的太阳镜。 Take off your sunglasses, please.
比赛结束后 (When race is over)
祝贺你。 Congratulations.
表现不错。 Good race.
你很棒。 Good for (on) you.
抗议和申诉 (Protest and Appeal)
请重复。 Please repeat.
请再说一次。 Beg your pardon?
Say it again, please.
请讲得慢一点。 Please speak more slowly.
请稍等,我立即核查。 Please wait, I'll check it right away.
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