一. 晚宴时间:
二. 晚宴地点:
三. 晚宴条件:
1. 赞助价格:每位六万六仟元(¥66,000)
2. 以公司名义赞助五位以上,主办单位将特别提供三项赞助回报,推广企业形象
四. 晚宴流程:
1. 与两位国际巨星共享欧式晚宴。
2. 慈善竞标,现场竞标六个名额,分别与丁俊晖及特鲁姆普进行友谊赛(每局限定10分钟,每人一局)。
3. 慈善竞标,晚宴现场竞标ASPT大赛使用球桌(球桌上有两位球王签名)。竞标所得,全款捐助慈善!
4. 邀请两位国际巨星参加互动游戏。
5. 邀请两位冠军选手共同参加欢迎PARTY。
6. 有机会获得两位国际巨星亲笔签名或合照。
五. 赛场专享(9月17日、18日):
1. 两天四场球赛-VIP特区第一、二、三排座位。
2. 可于赛事中休息时享受特区休息室。
3. 根据购买顺序安排赛场及晚宴座位顺序。(先买先选位)
六. 亲善大使:
We have great pleasure in inviting all elites from all professions to this distinguished event. This event is the first time ever held in China that has the opportunities to interact closely with two of the world’s most famous snooker players, including a lot of activities with great creativity. We are very honored to have you here for what promises to be a very exciting event.
This will be an incredible memory that you won’t forget.
We welcome sponsors from all enterprises and elites.
1. Date & Time:
15th September, 2011
18:00-22:00 (reception open at 17:00)
2. Venue:
Guangzhou Royal Mediterranean Hotel
3. Entry Requirements:
1) Amount of Sponsorship:
1st or 2nd row for both of the VIP Banquet and the matches
RMB 66,000 per seat
2)If any company is sponsoring more than 5 seats, the organiser will provide special media publicity to
help publicise the company’s image.
3)The seats are very limited. Your immediate action will be highly appreciated.
4. Programs:
1) An European dinner with the 2 superstars.
2) Charity Bidding with 6 places which allows you to have a real game with one of the players. (one round per person, ten minutes maximum for each game) All the money received will go to charity.
3) Charity Bidding. The snooker tables of the ASPT match with the plays’ signatures will be donated for bidding. All the money received will go to charity.
4) Entertainment with the 2 superstars.
5) Welcome Party – the 2 superstars will present at the party.
6) Possibility of obtaining the 2 superstars’ signatures or taking photos with them.
5. Venue Exclusive (17th and 18th September)
Distinguished VIP Accreditation Card
1) A total of 4 matches for 2 days – 1st, 2nd or 3rd row of VIP area.
2) VIP rest room.
3) Tickets are selling on a first-come-first-serve basis.
6. Goodwill Ambassador
Guangzhou Pinshan Cultural Planning Co.Ltd is organising an event “Youth Snooker Community” specially for this match, in order to encourage more young people to become professional snooker players. The donated equipments have been purchased already. They are expected to reach 50 Primary Schools and Secondary Schools after the match by Ding Junhui and Judd Trump in person. By then we will invite our honored VIP sponsors to be the Goodwill Ambassadors of the donation ceremony. This is an honorable mission!
1. Our company reserves the right of final interpretation.
2. According to the international convention, for the players and all of our distinguished guests’ safety, please be sure to bring your invitation, VIP accreditation card and ID (citizen ID card/passport) with you when you attending the VIP Banquet on 15th September. If not coordinate, the organiser has got the right to refuse your entry.