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费根搜狐专栏:嘲讽火箭的人消失 姚明需做更多


    搜狐体育讯 导读:乔纳森-费根,是休斯顿惟一一家日报《休斯顿纪事报》的首席篮球记者,也是整个赛季跑满全部比赛的惟一一位记者。 在国内许多做NBA的媒体中,费根的名字恐怕是最耳熟能详的了,因为他的稿件的翻译版本充斥在各大网站和报纸上,是绝对的火箭专家。近日乔纳森-费根已经签约搜狐体育,搜狐也是目前国内惟一一家获权使用费根专栏文章的媒体。在以后的日子里费根将通过搜狐专栏与广大中国网友一起进行交流。




























  那些便是一支球队打破多年宿命晋级第二轮的感受。第二轮是一个非常美好的位置,好到以致火箭现在可能会想,西部决赛肯定会是真正特别的事情。(搜狐体育 风华)


  By Jonathan Feigen

    So this is what the second-round looks like.

    It’s nice. There are none of those nasty reminders of past first-round failures hanging around to tease and annoy. They don’t get to go this far. They are left behind to taunt teams that lose in the first round.

     Even better, there is membership in the club of success. A team gets here and it gets to feel good about itself and its season.

     It’s crowded, too, but in a good way, with fans and supporters rushing to join in the fun. It’s like at a concert, when everyone knows the words and signs along. It feels good.

     If the Rockets had known how nice it is around here, they might have gotten this far sooner.

     There is, however, one drawback.

     Teams in the second round cannot avoid an opponent good enough to win the NBA championship. The teams good enough to win here, can win anywhere.

     So the Rockets finally moved on past the status of a team good enough to get to the playoffs but no farther, and in an immediate reminder of the sort of company they now keep, they find the Lakers waiting.

     You get this far and you don’t get to play teams that barely slipped into the post-season or are limping along with rosters left injured by the long season.

     The Lakers began the season as one of the teams expected to play for the NBA championship. They proclaimed the title to be their only goal and then ran away with the Western Conference. Only Cleveland had a better record, but the Lakers beat the Cavaliers twice to stand ahead of the pack as the team to beat for the championship.

     The Rockets advanced past the first round for the first time since 1997, but insist they are not satisfied with that. They always said that they were not haunted by the franchise’s first-round losing streak and so breaking it now cannot suffice as their only goal.

     Instead, they viewed playing the Lakers as the sort of challenge that comes to teams still standing in May.

     “I’m not happy just getting out of the first round,” Ron Artest said. “That’s just not how it goes here. That’s not LA’s goal, that’s not Boston’s goal, that is not Cleveland’s goal and it’s not our goal.

     “They should not be happy with this. Let’s move on and want us to win more.”

     The Lakers have many of the qualities the Rockets lack. Kobe Bryant gives them an elite closer to trigger the late-game offense in ways the Rockets have not since Tracy McGrady began struggling with his injury. They have a depth of great size, with two seven-footers, Andrew Bynum and Pau Gasol, starting and 6-10 Lamar Odom coming off the bench. They have loads of post-season experience, from the championship years shared by Derek Fisher and Bryant to the nine titles Phil Jackson has collected on his way to the Hall of Fame.

     “It stands to reason that they are going to pick them. They had the best record in the West by far and they’re playing at home,” Rockets coach Rick Adelman said. “That doesn’t mean we can’t win. We just have to take the first game and see what happens.”

     The Rockets, however, have spent the season playing their best when things have seemed their worst. Their most discouraging losses have been followed by their most vital wins, most recently by answering the disappointment of the loss in Dallas to end the regular season with the rout in Portland to open the post-season and by following the Game 5 breakdown against the Blazers with a Game 6 blowout to finish them off.

      After McGrady played his final game, the terrible loss in Milwaukee, the Rockets responded with their longest winning streak of the season, six games. They finished the season 22-8 after McGrady left their lineup, and followed that with their solid first-round triumph.

     “They’ve done it all year long, in spite of injuries, trades or whatever,” Adelman said. “They’ve just been able to respond. This would be the biggest response because we’re playing a very good team.

     “They are obviously the favorites, but our team has accepted challenges all year. This is the biggest challenge we’ve had.”

     Against the Lakers, they will need Yao Ming to carry more of the offense. Jackson has been double-teaming Yao in the past few seasons, but he is unlikely to send anything like the twin 7-footers to surround Yao the way Portland did. Yao will have a more difficult time avoiding turnovers than he did in the Portland series, but he will get more touches and more shots.

     The Rockets will need Artest to be a more consistent force offensively. The Lakers do not leave shooters open to help elsewhere. They are among the best 3-point defensive teams in the league because they don’t twist their defense in knots to stop one player. Shane Battier typically gets open looks against the Lakers, but Artest will likely have to drive decisively the way he did in Game 6. If he probes slowly off the dribble, he will find himself surrounded by the Lakers length, and with few options.

     Aaron Brooks must continue to attack. There are times he has to help get the ball inside, but he must be a scoring point guard.

     Fisher has all kinds of big-game experience that it will take years for Brooks to match. Fisher can be expected to knock down a huge shot or draw a big late-game charge. But Brooks has quickness that can give Fisher trouble. And when he gets going offensively, the Rockets offense is much stronger.

     The Lakers will score. They have too many offensive weapons to be stuck in the mid-80s very often, if at all. The Rockets will have to manufacture enough scoring to be in games regularly enough to win their share. As much as they need Yao to return to his usual 20 points per game scoring and possibly more, they need ball movement against a team that looks to shut down ball movement, and they need their backcourt and bench to provide consistent jolts of scoring.

      They do not, however, need to be convinced that they belong.

     “We’re going to LA with the mindset we can take our shots, play our game, let’s defend and live with it,” Rockets forward Shane Battier said. “There is no burden of expectations for this team right now.

     “We have expectations for ourselves and those are the expectations we care about.”

      There have been those, however, that have doubted the Rockets’ chances, even in a way their worthiness for their spot in the post-season now that the first round is complete.

      The Rockets did not seem to mind that. Teams have traditionally used those sorts of doubts for inspiration. They can offer something to rally around, and they inevitable in a match up with the Lakers, anyway.

      “We feel that the fans in Houston, they expect us to win the same way any other fans expect their home team to win,” Artest said. “We’re going out there the same way we went out to the Portland series – play basketball, play hard, play smart.

      “We just feel the need to believe in each other.”

     That is how it is when a team gets past the velvet ropes and beefy bouncers and into the second round. It’s a nice place, so nice that the Rockets might now be thinking that third round must be something really special.




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